Monday, September 8, 2014

Understanding the Law of Pure Potentiality

In our yoga classes at The Ayurvedic Path, we study The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga. The first of those seven principles is the Law of Pure Potentiality. 
This is a principle innately understood by babies and small children. Initially, everything is open and new. When we are young, all is amazing and the world is a realm of all possibilities. Then very quickly, through our upbringing, we begin to narrow our view of the world. This happens through no fault of our own. Our families, teachers and caregivers, help shape who we are and a lot of that includes setting limitations. 

Growing Up and Growing Out

While fitting into a mold was helpful as we grew up, staying in the parameters that were set for us, may not work in adulthood. I know a family who, through the generations, has encouraged their children to become doctors, lawyers or engineers. Understandably, these are fine areas of study, which often guarantee a good source of income. However, many children, even within the same family don’t necessarily fit into any of these areas easily. But, if you were raised in this family, you might think that you can only choose one of these career paths to be completely accepted and successful. 
Expanding your limitations into full potential includes overriding something you’ve been taught your entire life if it’s no longer serving you. 

Raising the Ceiling of Limitations

Some of us live with a ceiling so low that we frequently hit our heads on it. We are so used to living with our own excuses that we many not even hear our own voices anymore. “I can’t do this because...” “When I get more money, I will...” “If I was younger, I could...” or “I’ve tried that before and it hasn’t worked.” 
Pure potentiality calls us to open up and raise the ceiling to infinite possibilities. This means you must let go of disbelief. What you thought wasn’t possible before, now becomes possible even if you don’t see it right away. Small children dream and speak the impossible. You must have the innocence of a child if you are to embrace pure potentiality. 

Listen to Your Thoughts and Speech

Retraining the mind can be a challenge. One way to begin is to observe yourself. Observe your thoughts and see which ones are limiting. Notice which of those are regular in your thought patterns and write them down. Then make a commitment to yourself to rewrite those thoughts into ones which open you to infinite possibilities. Do the same with the things you say. Make an attempt to not speak limitations on yourself or others. 
You are a piece of the creative mind that orchestrates the world into existence. You have the capacity, therefore, to be limitless. Embrace this aspect of who you are and live the life you’ve always dreamed of living.


Michelle S. Fondin, author of The Wheel of Healing: An Easy Guide to an Ayurvedic Lifestyle. 

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