Thursday, January 12, 2012

Why Prenatal Yoga is Optimal Preparation for Labor and Childbirth

So you've just found out you're pregnant. Congratulations! It's such an exciting time of life. If this is your first baby, you're most likely in the "pregnancy bubble" where you only see pregnant women on the street, in stores or at the office. You fanticize about what it will be like to see your baby for the first time. You worry about your baby's health or your pregnancy. Or you're just plain tired and nauseated all the time. All of these feelings are normal and part of the excitement.

One thing you may find is that your significant other is not quite as excited as you are. He may not understand what's going on in your body or your facination with every change. He may not share your affinity to reading every single baby book or posting that's out there. As the weeks go on, you may begin to feel a bit disappointed with his lack of enthusiasm. After all, you both wanted a baby right? So, what's wrong?

For a Dad, the pregnancy is not as real as it is for you. You are feeling the changes from the very beginning. The surge of hormones give you the mothering instincts from the get go.

That's where a pregnancy class comes in.

What your prenatal yoga class will give you first and foremost is a chance to meet and share with other expectant Moms. This is a safe environment where women really care and understand first hand what you're experiencing. They can sympathize, listen and offer advice.

The second advantage is learning how to breathe. Labor and delivery is like running a full marathon. Runners never go into running 26 K without preparation, they would collapse or give up after the first few miles. Giving birth is the same way. It will require breathing properly to allow the muscles to relax and do their job. It will keep you calm, centered and prepared for welcoming your baby into this world.

Thirdly, pregnancy doesn't come without aches, pains and muscle discomfort. Your body is changing at an incredible rate. Growing pains are normal. Yoga poses help you assist your muscles in lengthening, strengthening and releasing tension to allow you to feel more comfortable.

And finally, you are taking time once or twice a week to truly focus on this miracle that's taking place inside of you. You're giving yourself permission to let everything else go for 75 minutes to create a memory and enjoy the process.

At The Ayurvedic Path, we offer Prenatal Yoga twice per week in Herndon, VA. Our students often come on both days Monday and Saturday. But we keep our classes small, under 12 students, to allow each Mom to share and learn optimally.

If you are in the Northern Virginia area, check us out:

If you are outside of the DC area, look up a Prenatal Yoga class in your area.

Wishing you a beautiful pregnancy,


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